Thursday, February 18, 2010

World War I Update

At this point, the Archduke Ferdinand has been assassinated.  Austria-Hungary has declared war on Serbia.  Russia has come to Serbia's defense.  Germany attacked Belgium and was held off for 2 weeks giving France and England time to mobilize their troops.  The students learned about trench warfare and wrote letters home "from the trenches".  Each day, students are keeping war journals which are doubling as WWI timelines.

What's Going on with the Watsons?

The language arts classes are still reading, The Watsons Go to Birmingham - 1963:

So far the family has traveled from Flint Michigan to Birmingham Alabama.  Momma had each day planned very carefully with a few stops along the way, but while the family was sleeping, Dad decided to drive straight through.  The kids finally got to meet Grandma Sands.  She wasn't quite what everyone expected.